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Students learn about ag, conservation

(A rainfall simulator was one of the features at Ag Expo near Pontiac last week)

Hundreds of students from throughout Livingston County enjoyed a sunny early October day at 4-H Park last week for Ag Expo.

This event is held every other year with the first one going back to 1993. Last week’s expo was open to fourth and fifth grade students.

“We send them to stations that deal with conservation as well as ag resources,” explained Livingston County Ag Literacy Coordinator Debbie Ruff.

Kids are educated on what is in Illinois and Livingston County when it comes to farming and conservation. Close to 60 adult volunteers helped out this year.

“Then we have about 50 to 60 FFA students from five of our chapters here in Livingston County that are helping with the stations or actually presenting,” noted Ruff.

Brittnay Haag, U of I Extension horticulture educator, manned a station on monarch migration.

“The kids are going to experience what it is like to be a monarch migrating from Canada all the way to Mexico for the winter, facing all of the challenges,” Haag said.

This was perfect timing as late September to early October is the time for monarch migration. Haag’s station also included a true or false game with monarch facts.

Students Knox Grundler and Isaac Mackinson, both of Pontiac, enjoyed seeing all of the different animals at the Ag Expo. So did Eli Faber of Pontiac.

“The thing I love about the Ag Expo is all of the animals I get to see,” noted Faber. “I show animals and I love to see them.”

Different learning stations were grade level based with interactive presentations and hands-on activities. Topics included ag commodities, pollinators, food chains, farm safety, soils and erosion. Each station was 25 minutes long with a five-minute period allowed between.


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