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Senate approves state budget plan

The Illinois Senate voted to approve a spending plan Sunday night that is $53 billion.

This largely resembles the governor’s previous budget proposal but does surpass J.B. Pritzker’s initial plan by $400 million. This includes pay raises for state lawmakers.

Members of the Illinois House will take up the bill next, possibly this week.

Illinois Senate Deputy Minority Leader Sue Rezin (R-Morris) issued the following statement after Democratic lawmakers passed a budget that spends more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:


“I have consistently said that lawmakers must make the hardworking citizens of Illinois our priority. This budget raises taxes by roughly a billion dollars on Illinois families. 


“It sets a record for government spending, bringing a shocking increase of more than 32 percent since the Governor first took office. Despite the continued escalation in spending, state funding for K-12 schools is only increased by the minimum agreement set under the Evidence-Based Formula. The budget also fails to provide a living wage for the incredible Direct Support Professionals who take care of our state’s most vulnerable.


“The people of Illinois deserve better than this. They deserve a budget that provides real and meaningful relief that prioritizes middle class families.”



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