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Postcard coloring winners announced

(A drawing from Eva Masching, 2nd grade at St. Mary's School)

The Livingston County Agriculture in the Classroom program recently hosted a postcard coloring contest for grades K-5 with the theme, “It All Starts With Soil.”

Margaret Matthews had the first place entry in grades K-1. She is a first grade student at St. Mary’s School. Eva Masching received first place in grades 2-3. She is a second grader at St. Mary’s School. Meanwhile, Odell Elementary fifth grade student Lily Muir received first place in grades 4-5.

These postcards were on display during the recent Livingston County Farm Bureau Legislative Breakfast in Pontiac.

(The creation of Margaret Matthews, 1st grade at St. Mary's School)

(Lily Muir, 5th grade student at Odell Elementary, won for grades 4-5)


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