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Lawmakers have plenty of ground to cover

(State Sen. Tom Bennett, left, and State Rep. Dennis Tipsword at Friday's Legislative Breakfast in Pontiac)

The Illinois Senate has been in session 17 days in Springfield with about 29 days to go.

State Senator Tom Bennett of Gibson City, serving the 53rd district, admits there is plenty of ground to cover when lawmakers return to the capitol city following the Primary Election.

“We may not see a whole lot of action,” Bennett told those attending the recent Livingston County Farm Bureau legislative breakfast in Pontiac.

Bennett predicted issues like pensions, crime and energy would be brought up this spring. The governor has prepared the largest budget ever at $53 billion. He is looking for new taxes and increased funding for migrants and school funding is expected to continue.

A number of soil and water groups came to Springfield for the recent ag day festivities and Bennett has another Bacon Day in the works for early May.

“It’s been an honor and privilege to serve you these last 10 years,” Bennett said. “It truly has been so much fun to work with you.”

Four people are running for the Illinois Senate seat Bennett currently occupies as he is not running for re-election.

“These are just amazing people,” Bennett noted.

Livingston County Board Vice-Chairman Steve Lovell also spoke at the recent Livingston County Farm Bureau legislative breakfast, noting wind and solar are issues the county is dealing with currently.

“We welcome your input and we need input,” said Lovell. “This is a very controversial issue.”

Adam Dontz of the Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council thanked Congresswoman Robin Kelly and Congressman Darin LaHood and their staffs who have worked cooperatively to put interests of the district first.

“I appreciate it,” stated Dontz.

He said the offices work hard to tirelessly represent the district’s interests.


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