Scholarship money available
Livingston Workforce Services has been allocated over $320,000 by the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board to administer the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant for the next program year, July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
Priority is given to veterans, recipients of public assistance, individuals who are deficient in basic skills, and low-income individuals.
Funding is primarily used to pay for costs associated with obtaining a certificate or degree towards a growing industry, such as Healthcare, Manufacturing, Professional Services, and Transportation Distribution & Logistics. These costs may cover high school equivalency (GED) testing, college tuition, supplies, or gas reimbursement. In addition, funding is used to provide individuals with work-based learning experiences. This entails hands-on experience to promote good work habits and necessary skills to perform successfully on the job. Work-based learning could be a temporary paid internship or on-the-job training for new employees.
Over the last program year, Livingston Workforce Services awarded over $150,000 to clients. Of these clients, 42 received training services and 12 received work based learning services, resulting in 69% of whom are now working in the field of their choice. In addition, over 750 individuals used our resource room to apply for jobs online, access labor market information, complete interest assessments, create or update their resume, or prepare for an interview.
Individuals who are interested in a scholarship or paid internship should email the Livingston Workforce Services office at or call 309-268-8280.