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Speed awareness results announced

Illinois State Police (ISP) officials announce the results of the statewide Illinois Speed Awareness Day campaign, which took place on Wednesday, July 24, 2019.

Governor J.B. Pritzker proclaimed July 24, 2019, as Illinois Speed Awareness Day with the goal of encouraging the public to recognize the importance of speed awareness and driving safely. The ISP took a proactive approach to promote safety for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists through enforcement and education. ISP officers conducted nine presentations throughout the state to educate the public on the dangers of speeding and the importance of obeying the posted speed limit.

During the 24-hour reporting period, Troopers issued 876 speed-related traffic citations and 681 speed-related written warnings. Troopers also issued 391 citations and 848 written warnings for other traffic related offenses during the reporting period.

“These enforcement efforts and the hard work of our officers were instrumental in preventing injuries and saving lives,” said ISP Acting Director Brendan F. Kelly. “Please help avoid a tragedy by obeying the posted speed limit at all times,” added Acting Director Kelly.

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