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District 429 talks curriculum

A curriculum presentation was given to members of the Pontiac Community Consolidated School District 429 board Thursday night.

The group was briefed on what has been happening the past few months and what to expect between now and August as the district updates its social-emotional curriculum.

“Our social workers are taking the lead working with our curriculum director on that project and really trying to align it more K-8 going into next year,” explained District 429 Superintendent Brian Dukes.

District 429 has received additional grant money to hire some teachers to return over the summer months to tweak and update the curriculum. Dukes does not recall the district having that opportunity before.

“We are really excited about the work that’s going to get done over the summer with our teachers.”

Thursday’s meeting began with a special recognition of teachers who are retiring at the end of the year. The “Warriors of the Month” are Kathy Abry, Laura Ramseyer and Cheryl Krueger who are all retiring from the junior high and Dona Blair from Central School. Dukes said this is one of his favorite months to celebrate those teachers who have been with the district for a number of years.

In another matter, the board set its meeting calendar for the upcoming year, approving a resolution to not have a July meeting. This is becoming common among districts in the state, according to Dukes. That means the first official 2018-2019 school board meeting will not take place until August.

Roof construction was authorized for Washington School. The work will address two sections which have been problematic for several years. Work will happen over the summer through a contract with Ameresco.

A number of coaches, bus drivers and bus monitors were hired following a closed session.

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