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Munz scholarships presented

Abbie Bazzell is among those who received a Brian J. Munz scholarship Wednesday night / EOCI photo.

The annual Brian J. Munz scholarships were presented at Wednesday’s regular meeting of the Fairbury City Council.

Recipients included: Abbie Bazzell, Mitchell Bazzell, Tate Hetherington, Loren Kaeb, Rebekah Kaeb, Kyler Knapp and Toby Steidinger.

“In a couple of months, it will be 10 years since the accident and I believe this is the eighth year we’ve been able to present scholarships and we are quite pleased that we’ve been able to do this,” said Jim Munz at the start of the meeting.

Also at the meeting, Street Superintendent Martin Steidinger reported that the swimming pool is “up and running” and will be ready for swimmers. City Superintendent Brett Ashburn said the city is fine-tuning the chemicals then it will be ready to go. Steidinger noted work on First Street will begin after Memorial Day which could cause some congestion near the pool.

Police Chief Mark Travis expressed concerns over unauthorized use of the enclosed North Park Pavilion by local youth. He asked if there is a reason the building is unlocked during the day when not in use.

“It’s a hang out, make-out place for kids. You name it. Hopefully there’s nothing worse going on,” the chief said.

Travis reported the new K-9 is doing well and the training continues. A large donation is pending from a Central Illinois company.

During his report, Ashburn said the recent community sale went well as the city sold the old water department van and Hustler mower. Ashburn attended an informative meeting in Dwight recently which presented some opportunities with the Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council (GLCEDC).

The council officially approved new flooring for the Boys and Girls Club. The old floor will be removed with the new floor laid on top. Alderman Bruce Weber made the motion to approve the matter.

“It’s a vinyl floor that you glue down. It’s a wood look,” explained Steidinger.

An application was authorized for Gig’s Place to have alcohol sales and consumption on city property Saturday, May 26 from 5 p.m. to midnight in front of the restaurant between Fourth and Fifth streets. The issue was approved contingent upon a certificate of liability. The event is being held for the Class of 1993 and will include wrist band security.

Council members also accepted the retirement of Sewer Superintendent Frank McPherson who has spent 40 years in the wastewater profession. In the letter, McPherson extended his appreciation to the administration. His official retirement date is in June.

In other action Wednesday night, the Fairbury City Council:

-Approved a menu board for the pool.

-Granted permission for Mayor Slagel and City Superintendent Ashburn to have decision-making authority regarding easements for the Long Term Control Plan sewer project.

-Authorized a quote from Ampstun Corporation for new accounting software at a cost of $10,000.

-Appointed Rebekah Fehr to the Planning Commission.

-Okayed an engineering agreement between Farnsworth Group and the city in the amount of $1,662,000 for on-site engineering services during the Long Term Control Plan construction.

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