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City authorizes K-9 fundraising

Lynn Dameron (council member), David Hammer (Prairielands Foundation), Mark Travis (police chief) and Dave Slagel (mayor) pose following the recent Fairbury City Council meeting / EOCI photo.

The Fairbury City Council has voted to allow the city’s police department to start raising funds for a K-9 unit.

A perpetual fund will be started with Prairie Lands Foundation for this purpose. That means local residents can write checks to the foundation, specifying the K-9 initiative in the memo section. The foundation’s Dave Hammer was at Wednesday’s council meeting and said if individuals and businesses are interested in making contributions toward the public service, then they would be happy to assist.

Mayor David Slagel and police committee chair Lynn Dameron donated $1,000 to kick off the K-9 fundraiser.

“We’re serious about it and it’s a good cause,” stated Slagel.

Alderman Bruce Weber suggested local children come up with a name for the dog, if the city gets that far.

“It’s a good idea,” said Chief Mark Travis.

In another police-related matter Wednesday night, the council approved the promotion of two police officers. Officer Keith Semmerling was promoted to corporal while Officer Chris Edwards was promoted to Sergeant. Chief Travis said he has been planning for the future of the department and is looking forward to the coming years.

At the start of the meeting, city employee Brad Duncan discussed sewer backup issues due to big rains in recent weeks. One of the sewer backups was primarily caused by roots and Duncan said a product is available which attacks the roots, causing them to eventually dissolve. This would prevent blockages in the future.

“We’re just trying to hit the problem areas right now,” explained City Superintendent Brett Ashburn.

The topic of police overtime was once again brought up. Chief Travis said he planned to utilize the drug enforcement fund to help cover drug training. The mayor asked if there was a way to substitute shifts to make the overtime lower. According to Travis, a last minute detail accumulated 26 hours.

“That’s something that’s not going to happen a lot,” Travis noted.

Also at the regular meeting, the Fairbury City Council:

-Donated $50 to the Prairie Central after prom party.

-Authorized repairs to the rock bin at the Street Department.

-Paid annual dues to the Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council (GLCEDC) in the amount of $7,916.

-Scheduled a committee of the whole meeting for Wednesday, Mar. 14 at 6 p.m. to discuss water, sewer and finance issues. A closed session for personnel issues is expected.

-Approved the consent agenda.

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