Bird project receives donation

CHATSWORTH – A local project aimed at attracting more bluebirds to the area has received a financial boost.
Enbridge recently presented a $3,000 donation to the Bluebird Project, which includes special birdhouses placed in various locations to attract the birds. The idea originated in the Chatsworth area since the bluebird was the mascot at the former Chatsworth high school. Other nearby communities have taken notice of the initiative and residents and businesses are placing birdhouses on their property.
“We were excited to be a part of this because of the connection to the environment and how many people in Livingston County are involved in it,” explained Cheryl Harvey, community relations advisor for Enbridge.
A Livingston County board member initially approached Enbridge about getting involved with the Bluebird Project.
“We get very engaged with the communities where we live and work. We want to be good neighbors,” Harvey added.
Enbridge brings in around a million bushels of crude oil per day and its Pontiac hub. Five lines are exported out of the terminal to a number of refineries, according to Harvey. The company offers a number of safe community grants to first responder agencies to assist with training and equipment needs. Those interested in community investments can visit and look for the “In Your Community” section to apply for funding.
The Bluebird Project was recognized by the JWP Audubon Society and by Angelo Capparella, PhD at Illinois State University. An article was published in the Prairie Winds newsletter.