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Upgrades planned at community center

Fairbury's Stafford Community Center in shown Wednesday night / EOCI photo.

Improvements to the Stafford Community Center were authorized by members of the Fairbury City Council Wednesday night.

The work will entail the installation of a ceiling, wall and door on the side occupied most by the Boys and Girls Club, which includes an office and game rooms. The city will save energy costs as the entire building needs to be heated currently in order to keep the office warm.

“That side of the building is its own zone,” explained City Superintendent Brett Ashburn.

Street Superintendent Martin Steidinger, whose crew is expected to do the work, estimated the cost at around $2,000 with materials. Alderman Bruce Weber made the motion to approve $2,750 for improvements to the center.

“I think we’d get that money back in gas in a couple of years,” said Steidinger.

“That building needs some work,” added Mayor David Slagel.

In other action, the council authorized a bid of $20,869 from Koenig Body and Equipment of Peoria for a dump body on the 2004 garbage truck. This includes a Brandon MDC dump body with fold down sides and a 30-ton Trunion mounted hoist cradle.

“I looked all over the place and the prices are right in the area for it,” said Alderman Weber.

Amendments were made to Chapter 5A of the city ordinance dealing with sewer, fats, oils and greases. Most establishments with grease traps know what to do but this gives the city the right to inspect them on a monthly basis.

“We’re not mandating any reports be submitted to the city like we had initially,” explained Ashburn.

Mayor Slagel summed everything up when he said the businesses don’t need to be doing anything different they just need to “do it.”

During council comments, Gary Norris thanked the street and sewer departments for installing the stop sign at the intersection of Fifth and Ash streets. He noted it is appreciated by citizens in that area. Nancy Gerdes-Hibsch thanked city workers for the snow removal during the past few days.

At the start of the meeting, Jack Wiser appeared before the group. The former Fairbury police chief is running for Livingston County sheriff in the upcoming primary against incumbent Tony Childress.

“I’m looking for my home town, the city of Fairbury, to support me,” Wiser said. “I’m going to answer any questions you might have.”

Also at Wednesday’s meeting, the Fairbury City Council:

-Granted a request for the use of North Park on Saturday, May 19 for the Overdose Awareness memorial event.

-Appointed Seth Welch to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

-Assigned Chief Travis to a three-year term on the Livingston County ETS Board.

-Authorized a resolution between the city and the Illinois Department of Transportation allowing Fairbury to enter the permitting phase for the Combined Sewer Overflow Project.

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